Warsaw II Krolewski Fstivwal Swiatla w Wilanowie
Live Video Mapping by Philipp Geist at Temple of Divine Providence
4th Jan 2014 / 19:00
Koncert (W.L.O.) orkiestry laptopowej, 9 artystów pod kierownictwem Krzysztofa Cybulskiego
5th Jan 2014 / 19:00
koncert TOSHINORI KONDO japo?skiego tr?bacza jazzowego któremu towarzyszy? b?dzie multimedialna instalacja i mapping ?wi?tyni Opatrzno?ci Bo?ej autorstwa PHILLIPPA GEISTA
Strona www: http://www.videogeist.de/start.html
Phillipp Geist - Berlin visual artist, his multimedia installations, or as he calls them light sculptures exhibited on several continents, including in Montreal, Berlin, Munich, Rome, Bangkok, Barcelona. Its design is light installation presented during Luminale in 2012 was in May this year awarded the most prestigious German prize for visual artists.