Philipp Geist’s still- and video projection mingle with the facades and their means of representation. Through projecting light and images into architectural environments filled with fog, his interventions in architectural environments visualize and at the same time - cloak the space they inhabit. Intersecting media and urban landscapes into new hybrid conditions, their experiential attraction reflect on the ephemeral and dynamic qualities of artificial consistencies.
Project: Timing
“Timing” is a site-and time-specific work, made for GLOW and made of projected words woven into the space like a poetic carpet and at the same time, as social radar. The work will be completed by the visitors walking in the projection field.
Location: Kennedyplein/ Bus station Neckerspoel
Interview Philipp Geist by Lizzy Sliepenbeek
“Time is a highly personal and subjective experience”
Time passing “I project directly on architectural elements, on the ground and on fog. The result is an interplay between the solid walls and ground and the transparent, dissolving fog. The words are reflected and made visible in the air. Fog is, similar to time, always in flux, you cannot hold or keep it. This transient material refers to the location of the bus station, a place which evokes different associations of time passing. Lack of time and bothersome waiting belong together and remind the visitor of the fact that time is not a fixed and objective parameter, but always a highly personal and subjective experience. A station serves as a metaphor for arrival and departure: of loss and gain, and time spent at places and with people of importance to oneself”.